CHURCH leaders in Britain and Ireland have urged Christians to take part in a National Day of Prayer and Action about the coronavirus on Sunday 22 March.

People are asked to light a candle in their window at 7 p.m. on Sunday “as a visible symbol of the light of life, Jesus Christ”.

The call states: “Whether you are continuing to worship as congregations or not, we have the great privilege and freedom to be able to call upon God, wherever we are, individually and corporately, for healing in our nation.”

The call has been issued by the presidents of the ecumenical grouping Churches Together in England: the Archbishop of Canterbury, the RC Cardinal Archbishop of Westminster, the Moderator of the Free Churches, the CTE president for the Orthodox Churches, and the CTE Pentecostal president.

It is also supported by Churches Together in Britain and Ireland, Cytûn, the Church of Scotland, and the Evangelical Alliance.