Bell Ringers

Welcome to the Bell Ringing group page

Bell ringing practice takes place at St Giles Church Hartington on Tuesday evenings from 19.30 to 21.00.

We welcome new ringers and anyone who has rung before and would like to return to ringing.
It is open to anyone from 12 years of age upwards – no upper age limit – if you can stand up, you can bell ring. It is free and there is no need to bring anything just yourself. It is great fun and a sociable activity.

If you would like to learn you are welcome to come along on any Tuesday evening but before you do it would be advisable to contact Chris Dullage or Malcolm Hawton , just to check that we will be ringing on that particular evening.

More information can be found in the Bell Ringing section of the St Giles church website

Contact: Chris Dullage 01298 84220 or Malcolm Hawton 01298 402129

Photograph courtesy of IndigoWild