Hartington C of E Primary School, as part of their Intergenerational Programme- Active Across Ages and the Archbishop of York Trust Leadership Award met at the village pump with their “Silver Sport” on Tuesday 29th morning. Previously, the children had completed a survey of the village to identify the litter “hot spots”. Keith Quine, co-ordinator of the community litter teams, explained to the children and Silver Sports the work they had done since March of this year, both in the village and the surrounding roads and lanes. The volume of litter was considerable and working with DDDC and Peak Park wardens the work continues. Today this group will become part of the village project and add value both today and going forward. Armed with Litter picking sticks (courtesy of Peak Park) and DDDC “pink refuse sacks” they visited the 5 hot spots and collected the litter they found. The importance of recycling much of this litter, was discussed ; the children have recently asked DDDC, through the Parish Council,  for an increase  in litter collections and consideration to be given to providing separate re-cycle bins. The photograph shows some of the children, silver sport and Keith with their pink litter bags.