Hartington Sings…….. Come and sing !!!
We’re looking forward to seeing lots of old and new faces at Hartington Sings in November and December. If you miss the first one, don’t worry, just turn up when you can, no experience required!
We will meet in the village hall at the same time, 5pm to 6pm, each Wednesday from 3rd November to 15th December, for a fun community sing. Absolutely everyone is welcome, you don’t have to live in Hartington and we accept all ages from 3 to 100 (school age need to bring a parent/carer). We ask for a small contribution to cover costs. We hope to sing around the village on Friday 17th December and in the church on Sunday 19h December. Please contact me with any queries. Liz Hitch 687148 liz.hitch@btinternet.com