Pupils at Hartington C of E Primary School are busy rehearsing for their annual Christmas Nativity play.


Hartington Primary School Nativity 2013

Hartington Primary School Nativity 2013

The show will include well-known Christian carols which the congregation can join in with.  The children will also bring a personal touch to the traditional Christmas story by singing some modern songs and there will be a space exploration theme, building on their work this term with Derby and Derbyshire Music Partnership.

It’s set to take place at St Giles’ Church, in the village, on Thursday 11th of December at 6 p.m. It’s free entry to see the show and is open to all, including family, friends, residents and visitors.

Head Teacher, Tracy Blackwell said: “The children enjoy the singing and creating their own actions and dances. They like to make the songs their own and make the lyrics personal to them. They enjoy doing it their way, bringing out each others’ strengths and celebrating their skills and achievements, focusing on everything that they’re good at doing.”

Vice Chairman of the School’s Governors, Liz Broomhead said: “The underlying message of the Nativity is not lost. We are very proud to be a Church School; the children use their own personalities to showcase the story and the message of Christmas will be the underlying theme of it all.”

Church Warden, Celia Critchlow said: “It is always a pleasure to have the children with us in church. They add a special sparkle to our beautiful church.”

The Nativity play will be followed by a Pea and Pie Supper at Hartington C of E Primary School organised by the school’s Parent Teacher Friends Association (PTFA). The supper is £5 for adults and £3 for children and again, everyone is welcome.