Hartington Village Hall Lottery update

The first of our monthly draws takes place at 6.00 today, Wednesday 10th July, at the Post Office. We are grateful to Cllr David Chapman for agreeing to make the draw. Please come along to witness the event.

Hartington Village Hall Lottery update

Our first monthly draw for a £100 prize will be made on Wednesday 10th July at 6.00pm at the Post Office. You are welcome to come along to witness the first of our monthly draws. Cllr David Chapman will be making the draw. There’s just a few days left to buy a...

Informal Floral

We are a friendly group of enthusiasts learning to create lovely floral displays. If you are interested in coming along, the next class is on Wednesday July 10th, 1 -3pm at Hartington Village Hall. All materials are provided, along with expert tuition, for £10 per...