Hartington Village Hall

Our Rural Social Group will meet on Tuesday 27th October (2.00 – 4.00) in a Covid 19 safe and welcoming environment. Our guest speaker is Gary Spendlove who in 2018 organised the ‘Walk for Life’ using the Hall as a base. He will speak about organ donation in...

Hartington Village Hall Lottery 2020/21

Hartington Village Hall Lottery 2020/21:  the first of our 12 monthly draws has taken place with Number 36, Graham Smith, being the lucky recipient of the £100 prize. Graham is a long serving member of the Wednesday Hartington Dance Club and was a winner last year....

Hartington Village Hall

Hartington Village Hall : The new social distancing rules from 14 September, whether indoors or outdoors, means people from different households must not meet in groups of more than 6. Community facilities can however host more than 6 people in...

Final Post for 50 miles in 50 days

Sophia at the Finishing Line Sometime has now passed since Sophia completed her 50 miles in 50 days. We were going to update everyone a little sooner about her final runs and fundraising but more donations kept coming in, hence leaving this post until now.What an...