Hartington Surgery Prescription Run

This service operates on a Wednesday, weekly and usually in the morning but can be flexible with the hours. It covers 2 areas:

Run 1- Sheen- Longnor- Earl Sterndale- Monyash  approx. 25 miles if Hartington is your base

Run 2- Warslow- Elkstones, Butterton, Alstonfield, Parwich ,Biggin approx. 30 miles.

Mileage rate is approx. 48p per mile. The frequency is usually no more than once every  4-5 weeks. There will be 2 people on the run one driving the other delivering to the house.

It will require completion of paperwork/ DBS checks which the surgery will support. It is a very rewarding and enjoyable experience so if you have the time and are willing please contact KAY BENNETT kaybennett@nhs.net (Hartington Surgery) as soon as possible.