Live Music at St Giles’ Thursday October 12th

YOUTH CHOIR CONCERT Thursday 12th OCTOBER 7.30-8.30pm in ST GILES CHURCH   ALL WELCOME – DONATIONS RECEIVED FOR CHURCH     Draft Programme   This is a combined youth choir from Dumfries and Galloway and Gifhorn Twin Town Choir (Germany)...

Hartington Village Hall Lottery

Hartington Village Hall Lottery: in recent years our lottery income has been used as seed money to attract grants which have resulted in over  £100,000 being invested in a range of improvements to our community owned village hall. The first of our 2023/4 lottery draws...

News from Hartington Village Hall

  Our 2023/4 lottery has got off to a great start with 71 current subscribers. The lottery income this year will act as seed money to fund the refurbishment of our toilet areas. The estimated cost of the refurbishment is £16,500 and a grant application...

Hungrytown Saturday 30th September

Hartington Village Hall: we will welcome  American husband and wife folk music duo  ‘Hungrytown’ to the village on Saturday 30th September. Lyricist Rebecca Hall is credited with compositions ‘that sound as timeless as any traditional songs’ (Northern Sky,...