Hartington Town Quarter Parish have completed their Draft Neighbourhood Plan which is now available for consultation under Neighbourhood Planning Regulation 14
Copies of the Plan are available as follows:

Printed copies are available in the following three Hartington shops – the Post Office, A J & S Peach and the Village Stores. Copies are limited so those taking one home are asked to return it once read
On-Line under a Neighbourhood Plan section of the village website and under the Neighbourhood Plan section of the Parish Council website

A downloadable PDF for offline browsing is available by clicking the following image.


You can also view the document online here 

1. Hand in your written comments to Hartington Post Office who will pass them to the Neighbourhood Plan Committee. Or post comments to; Neighbourhood Plan, Hartington Post Office, 4 The Beresford Tea Rooms, Hartington SK17 0AL
2. Send your comments by email to

Your comments will help towards the final Draft plan which will then be submitted to the Peak District National Park Authority for independent examination
Please note all comments must be received by Monday 3 December 2018