Hartington Village Hall Lottery: in recent years our lottery income has been used as seed money to attract grants which have resulted in over  £100,000 being invested in a range of improvements to our community owned village hall.

The first of our 2023/4 lottery draws will take place on Wednesday 11th October. The prize monies amount to £1800 over 12 months. The 2023/4 lottery income is targeted at refurbishing our three toilet areas and a grant application has already been submitted for £13,500 on the back of the 71 subscriptions that have already been made by members of the community.

A huge thank you to those who have already subscribed. If you wish to subscribe, with an annual subscription being £50 which gives you 12 chances of winning over the year, please contact David on hartlot2@gmail.com  or have a word with one of our Trustees.