Last weekend saw an excellent turnout for two big events in the Hartington Village calendar.

Even though Saturday morning in the village started moderately wet, it soon cleared up and there was plenty of interest in the Poppy Queen float, the Oddfellows march and of course the Well Dressing itself. Several stalls selling local produce were setup opposite the duck pond and there was a small fairground on the central green itself. A few pictures are shown in the gallery below.

On Sunday, several fields at the top of Hall Bank were taken over by the very popular Hartington Wakes Country show. A fantastic turnout of people with plenty of things to see and do, with the weather being particularly kind this year! A credit to the organisers, farmers and local businesses for making this event a success and definitely one to put in next years calendar if you missed it this year.

Hartington Well Dressing

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Hartington Wakes Gallery

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