

National Shopmobility Awareness Day – 7th June 2024

A fabulous day for Derby Shopmobility! At Derbion Centre.
Thanks to Derbion for all your help in making this such a successful day, to help promote and raise awareness of Shopmobility services providing mobility scooters and powered wheelchairs for people with limited  mobility, whether permanent or temporary, due to disability illness or age.

Mobility scooters and powered wheelchairs were available for the public to look at and chat to the team about how they can make their shopping experience even easier.

We were very grateful to the Mayor of Derby – Councillor Ged Potter who took time out of his busy schedule to attend.

Derby Shopmobility offers powered wheelchair and scooter hire for use in the city centre and also for longer term hire for holidays etc   Find us in Derbion’s basement car park opposite the bus station.

Come and talk to our friendly helpful staff who have the expertise to select the right mobility equipment to suit your individual needs and train you in how to use it.

Audiobook Month

With June being Audiobook Month we thought we’d draw your attention to our uLIBRARY and Libby platforms! Free for library members to use, both of these catalogues have a fantastic range of unique titles for you to discover, whether you’re undertaking a long journey or just sorting out things in the house, so why not check them out today to find your next amazing read?

For more info on our eLending platforms click here, ring 01629 533444, or contact

Events for unpaid carers:

Living with dementia

Derbyshire Federation for  mental Health