HYPAC- Chair Annual Report for 2014/15
This has been an outstanding year; we have had 29 members aged between 8-13years, who have received a quality and inclusive programme over 30 weeks, devised and led by the 3 key leaders- Todd Cloake, Annabel Coles and Luke Smith. The 4 Level 1 Leaders- Bethany Ball, Olivia Williams, Ben Broadley and Amy Broadley have consistently and reliably provided support to the leaders and external providers. The Hartington Scout leaders- Jill and Andy Dronfield, Alan and Colin Deaville have delivered Archery sessions and our long time partners “Adventur” from Chesterfield have provided exciting and challenging outdoor activities both on and off site. The PCSO- delivered a Bike Security Marking session and we are grateful to Jonathan Hind at the “Rook”- for his Graphitti Art sessions.
HYPAC members again supported the “Swimathon” to raise funds for the British Heart Foundation- this year coming second. Ashbourne Community Bus service, which has wheelchair access, have provided the transport when off site as well as to our annual Christmas treat “Laser Quest” in Derby. For the second year we have joined with Hartington C of E Primary School for the end of year Car Treasure Hunt and BBQ.
The major innovation this year has been the development of a fully inclusive programme led by Todd Cloake, with Annabel and Luke. He has brought his knowledge and skills to overhaul our programme, introducing new activities and providing a competitive structure. To support this venture financially he applied to a lottery funded programme “O2- Think Big”. Eventually we received £300 to support the delivery of Wheel Chair Basketball and Seated Volleyball at Ashbourne Leisure Centre. The administration of this funding agency was difficult compared with the excellent service we receive when applying for funds through local agencies.
The input of Martin Mansell has been invaluable, he has provided training for the leaders and through his contacts accessed Ian Richardson to deliver the Wheel chair Basketball sessions. Martin will support the delivery of a Parent evening on October 19th 2015.
With the support of Alan McGill and Ian Dipaolo- Village games we have been able to set up a Level 1 Leaders Course for 10 members aged 13 and over. This will be led by Sporting Futures and the cost (£891) will be covered by a Police Fund- POCA- It will be completed in March 2016. We have also received a grant of £750 from Better Derbyshire Dales- Volunteer Services to support the programme
HYPAC is very grateful to all the partners named above as well as the support from Hartington Community- Village Hall- Mrs Parson for the excellently maintained accounts and above all The Head Teacher – Mrs Blackwell and Mrs Flower providing their support and use of the school premises.
Liz Broomhead MBE- September 14th 2015