The new year of Hartington Young Peoples Activity Club (HYPAC) will start Monday September 25th 

5.30-7pm -Hartington Village Hall

New members welcome – minimum age 7yrs – if interested please contact – Mark Webley – 

Want to know more ?- please see notice here of the AGM


HYPAC EGM – 11th September 2023- 5.30pm


To consider changes to Constitution followed by AGM


VENUE- Bakehouse-Hartington Village Hall                                                 

  1. Apologies
  1. Approval of Minutes of AGM 2022 – LB                                                                       
  1. 2023 September-July Report – Chair-LB
  2. Accounts and Treasurer Report- LG
  3. Proposed changes to Constitution- LB
  4. Election of Officers

Chairman- proposed Mark Webley – proposer Liz Broomhead   2nd Leon Goodwin                                                                                       

Secretary— Nicky Crimlis -proposed Liz Broomhead- seconded-Mark Webley                                                                                                                                     

Treasurer—Leon Goodwin – willing to stand again


  1. Programme/ Delivery /Leadership