Coming soon to Hartington …….’Mind Matters’ Event.
Hartingtonalive, in co-production with Derbyshire Dales Professionals Health, Social Wellbeing and Voluntary Sectors, are bringing to our area information about Brain Health and Mind Matters.
Visit our health stalls where there will be a variety of expertise/information about the positive steps you can take to help reduce the risk factors to help keep our brains healthy. Plus, speakers who will be covering topics suggested by our community on;
Think Brain Health- what we can do to look after and protect our brain.
Myths and Misunderstandings about Dementia – What are the facts we really need to know,
Concerned about Memory Changes-who can help, the support is out there to live well.
For further information about the event contact or speak to your Information Champions: Hartington-Kay & Liz, Biggin-Sera Preston, Earl Sterndale-Jean Brown and Karen Allen