Appeal by: Cathelco Ltd
Proposed development: Demolition of existing factory building and the subsequent construction of total 26 new dwellings including 4 ‘affordable’ and 2 conversion of former factory buildings at Dove Dairy, Stonewell Lane, Hartington
Planning application reference: NP/DDD/1014/1045
Planning Inspectorate reference: APP/M9496/W/ 15/3053101

Purpose of this notice

An appeal has been lodged under the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 with the Planning Inspectorate against the refusal by the Authority of planning permission for the above development.  This notice tells you how the appeal will be dealt with, how you can find out more about it and how you can make representations.

Where to find out further details about the appeal

The grounds of appeal stated by the appellant and the case submitted by the Peak District National Park Authority as local planning authority can be inspected at this office by appointment between 9am and 12.30pm and between 2pm and 4.45pm Mondays to Fridays.  Please telephone me on 01629 816352 if you wish to make an appointment to look at any of the documents.

The Appeal Hearing

The Inspector appointed to decide the appeal will hold a Hearing at 10am on Wednesday 2nd December 2015 at Hartington Village Hall, Hyde Lane, Hartington, SK17 0AW.  You may attend the Hearing and may, with the Inspector’s consent, state your case either in person or through a representative.

Appeal Procedure

The Planning Inspectorate will notify the decision on the appeal only to those who have asked to be notified.